packin' and preparing'... three more days

With the departure date coming up on us real soon, we are culminating our preparation efforts and working on getting everything packed. We got out visas on Friday and gave away all of our fish (sad, I know... but they found good homes) over the weekend. The next steps are to get our clothes together and throw everything into bags. Courtney isn't working this week, so she is able to run errands during the day, which is real convenient compared to our previous schedule. I am still at work until Thursday, I'm leading a training course on Tuesday with Dan V (the guy who will be working with me over in Gurgaon). It'll be good to get some experience working together before we make the trip. Today we got to meet with three BTAs (Programmers in India) who are visiting the Lincolnshire offices for three months. They were all real friendly and outgoing, and we found out that we will be attending, via general invitation to the BTA associates in Gurgaon, a Hindi wedding on May 9th as well as going on a whitewater rafting trip on March 27th... we are enthused about both. Also, they let us know about the ping pong table in the office on which are monthly tournaments.
We are very excited about leaving and are counting the hours until departure (6:00 pm CST, 3/16). We have new shoes and travel gear, so we'll be prepared for the unknown. It was brought to my attention recently that we potentially have the opportunity to visit some of the exiled Tibetan people, including the government, while in India. It does not look like that region, Dharamsala, is too far from Delhi. The Tomb of Humayuns, in Delhi, is pictured above.
Since we will not have our cell phones active out there, you can send us e-mails and letters (yes letters, Hewitt will forward them on to us in India if you send them to our Lake Bluff address) because we would love to hear from you!
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